SCPL Team League
Stampede City Pinball League presents a fun and friendly group competition format every second Tuesday night at pinball venues across Calgary: SCPL ‘Team League’ Season 1
– What –
Calgary’s first ever Team Pinball League. Think ‘recreational hockey/curling/volleyball/etc.’ but for Pinball! Each participant will belong to a Team and play each meet night with that same group of individuals against an opposing Team. Points will be accumulated through the various rounds, and there will be a winning and losing Team at the end of the match. Match results will result in accumulated points for the season with Teams competing in the finals.
Each match consists of singles, doubles and split finger rounds!
A key goal of Season 1 is to spread the word of this fun group competitive format and grow participation. As such participation will be open throughout the season for new individuals and Teams to join.
– When –
Every second Tuesday night Sep 10 to Dec 17 starting at 7pm. Each Team will play 7 regular season matches and then all Teams compete in the finals on the 8th meet.
– Where –
* Pin-Bar * & * Revival Brewcade * & * Woods Well * & * maybe others *
Each meet night will have matches going on concurrently at multiple venues. Specific locations for each Team will be based on the schedule that will be developed before the season starts and as it develops.
Another key goal of Team League is to promote the many great location pinball spots we have in Calgary to help keep the pinball popularity growth rolling!
– Who –
Open to everyone! All experience and skill levels. Sign up as an individual, small group, or full Team, and we will form the Teams to make sure everyone that wants to be part of this will be! Minors can participate so long as they adhere to the time restrictions at the venues (i.e. if not allowed for a match a substitute player will need to fill in for them).
Can’t commit to the full season but still want to participate? Sign up as a Substitute Player, and all Team Captains and Co-Captains will be given your contact info to reach out if they are in need to fill their roster for a particular match.
– Why –
Because the pilot run of Team League proved to be a super great time, so let’s make this an official Calgary Pinballers!
League dues $50 per team – machine play on Coin Drop
Email stampedecitypinball@gmail.com to sign up!
– Team League will utilize the following 5 core values to navigate decision making and we encourage all participants to keep all in mind as a basis for their participation in the league:
* Sportsmanship
* Community
* Learning
* Competition
* Fun
– Team League is not IFPA sanctioned (no WPPR points will be awarded)
– Teams will be approximately 8 members, with 6 members required at each meet to make a ‘full roster’
– Captains and Co-captains for each Team will be responsible for ensuring their Team fields a full roster of players for each match.
– To encourage Learning, coaching of Teammates between balls and during play is allowed and encouraged. When coaching a player who is actively playing, that player must still adhere to IFPA/PAPA rule of not delaying more than 30 seconds while discussing or taking instruction from a Teammate coaching them. If they do, the delay of game rules as described in the IFPA/PAPA rule are in effect.
– Otherwise IFPA rules will be followed… with situational modifications at the discretion of League Officials based on the 5 core values
Shoot an email to stampedecitypinball@gmail.com
Happy flipping Calgary!